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You are here: Home > Conventions > 2006 Appearances
The convention season  for 2006 will see Megatokyo and MegaGear return to San Diego Comic Con.  This should be an exciting convention season with the release of the 4th volume of the Megatokyo Manga after a move to the CMX manga line.  Be sure to stop by the DC Comics and CMX booths.  We will also be attending Sakura Con in Seattle, Anime Central in Chicago, and Otakon in Baltimore.



Sakura Con moved to the convention center in downtown Seattle this year and twice a large as previous years.  We had an early panel at 8:30 Saturday morning.   We didn't think anyone would show up that early and it was iffy as to whether we'd be awake that early ourselves.  Megatokyo fans turned out in force even at 8:30 am.  Fred held a question and answer session and Jerry and Mike from Penny Arcade showed up and joined the Megatokyo crew.  Jerry and Mike never fail to entertain and are even funnier in person.  

On a stroll down to the waterfront we came across a bakery selling Piroshsky, the meat pies that Fred's Megatokyo character "Piro" is named after.  The shop was closed but the next day our good friend Lony ran down and bought us some.  Sadly, we didn't really like them.  

We had a small booth in the dealers room and it was the first time we had Boo and the Phear the Cute ones t-shirt.  We had several Canadian fans cross the border and stop by.   We had help from all our friends, Jeff, James, Ric, Lonny, Steve, our gaurdian Samurai, and all the other staffers so Sarah had time to shop for the ROD TV and get photos taken with the cutest Kero-chan cosplayer ever.



Megatokyo will return to Chicago this year for our 6th consecutive A-Cen Appearance.  Look for Fred in the dealers room at the MegaGear booth and set aside time for the Megatokyo Web Comic Panel.



Comic Con is the largest comic book convention in the United States.  We do not have a booth assignment yet so we will update the site as soon as we find out.

We hope to schedule book signings for later in the year so  check back for Megatokyo Appearance in your area.

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